Wowie setting this up was definetly something. If I didn't know the very barebones of HTML/CSS I would've had harder time. Very much thanks to Zonelets for making it much easier to set up a blog.
So anyway, what am I going to do here?
- Planning to write about my characters briefly
- Maybe personal struggles with art
- Who fuckin knows
As I've already said in my about, the reason for all of this is to keep track of my creations in a more convinient way for myself and propably others too. I don't like the idea of writing some Very Cool Facts about my characters on social medias, then abandon them or even delete account and then lose all the information. Of course, I'm now a smarter person who keeps everything in notes app. But what about posting though
That's why we're here. Either way, though, I still don't promise anything and probably won't be active here as much, too. Life is kinda unpredictable, lol... Hope the webbed site is readable enough and you don't want to puke tee hee